A thorough analysis of Bodum and their Products
Water bottle comes with a removable handle and a rubber water bottle protector
With every part being able to come off, it makes it easy to customize
A rubber cap to protect the bottom from accidents
A double walled glass to keep liquids cold
Where you might find BODUM:
Target                                                        Bodum Website                                            MoMA Gift Store
Brand Strategy
Products that are made in an environmentally beneficial way using recycled materials created to last.
A product that is more affordable to the everyday user to make sustainability more assessable for the masses.
Hiring local to keep economy as well as hiring people no matter their ethnicity. As well as providing a safe working environment. 
- Open about their goals and what they want to improve on.

- In each category, Social, Environmental, Product, and Economical, they explain what they are doing and their goals to improve. 

- Shows the Sustainable Development goals they are working on in each category as well as connect it throughout all their goals.
Problem Statement
How might we create an appealing, sustainable product for the working person in order to create a more professional, clean future?
User Persona
Market Audience
 Environmentally Forward
- Cares about how a product is made 
- Follows a company's beliefs behind sustainability

Interested in Design 
- Has an eye for sleek modern design
- Follows MoMA collaborators

30 + 
- Stable income, busy livelihood 
- Values quality 
Borosilicate Glass
- Temperature resistant 
- Glass Composite (Doesn't cloud/stain)
- Dish washer Safe

- Ergonomic feel
- Non-slip
-Cool touch
- Dishwasher safe
Stainless Steel 
- Easy to clean
- Durable
- Dishwasher Safe
Venia is customizable!
Just the handle                                                       Just the bottom                                                                    Nothing
BODUM                                                 BODUM with MoMA (1)                                            BODUM with MoMA (2)
Process Work

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