
Case Study
User is a middle-aged working mom who lives in the suburbs. She is very active physically and mentally. She does not use many different bags, typically uses the same one. She prioritizes practicality.
She keeps a lot of her day-to-day items like, hair ties, receipts, gum, wallet. She typically takes her bag to the grocery store, errands and traveling. Can get disorganized easy, pockets are necessary.
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Process Pictures

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This is the first muslin prototype. It had a lot of ideas and potential, here's a list of what needs to be changed and what I liked:
- I needed to rethink how to make the swoop details.
- The front closure distracted from the the swoops.
- Needed to be lined.
- The strap was way too far down and needed to be secured a lot more.
- Decided to get rid of zipper, two closures is excessive.
- I did like the size and how the concept was moving.

This was the second muslin prototype. There were some improvements and still many things the be improved:
- The swoops were still giving me an issue, I also sewed it the wrong way. I didn’t fold over the edges. But I did machined sew the whole thing. One side I sewed the swoops together and the other I didn’t.
- I didn't account for SA and so I need to make the bag bigger.
- Needed to flame the strap
- I like the new swoop technique, it looks better
- Lining makes the bag look a lot cleaner
This is the first prototype with a different material. The inside of the bag is made with a polyester lining and the outside is made with a cotton. And even with these changes, there are still things that need to change and other things I like:
- Try a different swoop technique, still isn't laying right.
- New fabric, not what I was wanting. The texture is good, I wanted the bag to be gray.
- I need to make the strap myself, this seatbelt material isn't working.
- Exterior straps are making the bag look cheap
- The top seam of the bag looks scrunchy
- The interior fabric is working really nicely and looks good.

Forth and Final prototype before final. New materials. And more challenges arising. Here are the changes and likes:
- The swoops still weren’t cooperating, decided due to lack of time to abandon the idea.
- Rethink where to put interfacing and how to support the snaps
- The new fabric was working nicely
- The top seam looks good and clean
- The hidden straps look good and are adjustable.

More details about materials and how I made Venezia are in the tech pack below
Runway Pictures
I was fortunate enough to participate in RIT's 2024 Beyond Fashion Runway where I walked my own bad, Venezia. And here are some pictures of that experience.
Photobooth shots

On the Runway Shots